Place born
Organisation / Person
1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1826-1891, photographer, Canadian

Notman, William

1826 - 1891

1825-1903, photographer, French

Tournachon, Adrien

1825 - 1903

1826-1902, active 1840s-1880s, naval officer; photographer; lyricist, British

Cheyne, John Powles

1826 - 1902

1826-1901, electrical engineer; inventor, Belgian

Gramme, Zénobe

1826 - 1901

1826-1903, artist; photographer, British

Ruff, George

1826 - 1903

1826-1894, director (railway company), MP, British

Dent, John Dent

1826 - 1894

1826-1895, medallist, Swedish

Ahlborn, Lea

1826 - 1895

1825-1904, President of South Africa, Dutch Boer

Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paulus

1825 - 1904

1826-1911, physicist; university administrator, Irish

Stoney, George Johnstone

1826 - 1911

1826-1909, active 1865-1891, artist, British

Dudley, Robert Charles

1826 - 1909

1826-1884, journalist; playwright, English; British

Jerrold, (William) Blanchard

1826 - 1884

1827-1848, silversmiths, Birmingham

Taylor and Perry

1827 - 1848

1825-1885, collector, Irish; British

Rochfort, John Downes

1825 - 1885

1827-1928, lathes and precision tool manufacturer, London, England, British

Holtzapffel and Company

1827 - 1928

1826-1904, physician; epidemiologist, Czech

Drasche, Anton

1826 - 1904

1825-1901, cardiologist, French

Potain, Pierre Carl

1825 - 1901

1825-1895, biologist; science educationist, English, British

Huxley, Thomas Henry

1825 - 1895

1827-1905, farm machinery manufacturer, English; British

Holmes & Sons Ltd

1827 - 1905

1825-1893, neurologist; professor of anatomical pathology, French

Charcot, Jean Martin

1825 - 1893

1825-1906, gynaecologist, obstetrician, anaesthetist, British; Scottish

Skinner, Thomas

1825 - 1906

1825-1882, surgeon; anaesthetist; physician, British; English

Clover, Joseph Thomas

1825 - 1882

Buckland, Francis Trevelyan

1826 - 1880

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

Douglass, James Nicholas

1826 - 1898

Carus-Wilson, Charles Ashley

1812 - 1942

Kingett, James Charles

1811 - 1916

Rochfort, John Downes

1825 - 1885

Brothers, Alfred

1826 - 1912

Berthelot, Pierre Eugène Marcellin

1827 - 1907

Thiersch, Ludwig

1825 - 1909

Frankland, Edward

1825 - 1899

American Astronomer and photographer of the stars and space. b1825 - d.1865

Bond, George Phillips

1825 - 1865

1826-1891, die-engraver; medallist, British; English

Wyon, Leonard Charles

1826 - 1891

1827-1904, astronomer, British; English

With, George Henry

1827 - 1904

1832-1909, photographer, Venetian born, active England, British

Beato, Felice

1825 - 1909

1827-1895, artist; astronomer; entomologist, French

Trouvelot, Etienne Leopold

1827 - 1895

1826-1887, physician; neurologist; physiologist, French

Vulpian, Edme Felix Alfred

1826 - 1887

1825-1876, railway works, Shildon

Shildon Works Co.

1825 - 1876

1827-1919, obstetrician; gynecologist, German

Schultze, Bernhard Sigmund

1827 - 1919

1825-1882, engineer; inventor, French

Giffard, Henri

1825 - 1882

active 1825-1845, printseller, London

Colnaghi and Company

1825 - 1845

1825-1899, chemist, British

Frankland, Sir Edward

1825 - 1899

1826-1910, chemist, Italian

Cannizzaro, Stanislao

1826 - 1910

1825-1863, railway company, United Kingdom

Rumney Railway

1825 - 1863

1825-1892, pathologist; physician, British

Aitken, Sir William

1825 - 1892

1827-1904, map maker; publisher, English; British

Stanford, Edward

1827 - 1904

1825-1898, colonial merchant, collector, British

Peek, Sir Henry William

1825 - 1898

1827-1894, active 1854, sewing machine manufacturer, British

Wilson, William Newton

1827 - 1894

1826-1898, civil engineer, British; English

Douglass, Sir James Nicholas

1826 - 1898